BMW 3 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 3: B46TU-B48TU Engines



 Innovations B46TU/B48TU

Innovations B46TU To meet the legal requirements for emissions, a number of technical improvements have been implemented. The technical updates for the B46TU engine include the following new feature

 Engine identification

B46TU engine Engine identification - transverse mounted shown B48TU engine Engine identification - transverse mounted shown Engine number Engine identification The 7-digit engine identification



The cooling system has 2 operating conditions, which result from its function: Cooling OFF Cooling ON Cooling OFF operating condition The "Cooling OFF" operating condition is active when the cell temperature is in or below an optimal range. This is generally the case if the vehicle is moved at


Although the high-voltage battery unit of the G20 PHEV can also be partially charged by energy recovery via the electrical machine, the "normal" charging procedure takes place when the G20 PHEV is connected to the AC voltage network of the local power supply company. Energy is taken fro

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