BMW 3 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 3: Introduction


 Innovations B46TU/B48TU

Innovations B46TU To meet the legal requirements for emissions, a number of technical improvements have been implemented. The technical updates for the B46TU engine include the following new feature

 Engine identification

B46TU engine Engine identification - transverse mounted shown B48TU engine Engine identification - transverse mounted shown Engine number Engine identification The 7-digit engine identification

 Engine Mechanical


 Planning a trip

General information When planning a trip, several intermediate destinations can be entered. New trip 1. Press the button on the Controller. 2. Select the type of destination entry. 3. Select a single destination. 4. Enter an intermediate destination. Intermediate destinations General information


Follow the following when refueling General information Follow the fuel recommendation prior to refueling. When refueling, insert the filler nozzle completely into the filler pipe. Lifting up the fuel pump nozzle during refueling causes: Premature switching off. Reduced return of the fuel vapors

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