BMW 3 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 3: Personal settings


 Data protection

Data transfer Concept The vehicle offers different services, whose use requires a data transfer to BMW or a service provider. The data transfer can be deactivated for some services. General informati

 Driver profiles

 Concept, General information

Concept Driver profiles can be created to store personal vehicle settings. If the vehicle is used by multiple drivers, each driver can create his personal driver profile. When a driver profile is sele


 Chain drive - Crankshaft drive

Features: Chain drive at the side of the engine emitting the forces. Single-part chain drive for driving the camshafts. Single sleeve-type chain 8 mm. Electric motor of the combined oil-vacuum pump via a separate chain. Plastic tensioning and guide rail. Hydraulic chain tensioner with sp

 General information

Navigation settings can be individually configured. Settings are stored for the driver profile currently used. Services Concept The vehicle offers different functions, whose use requires a data transfer to BMW or a service provider. The data transfer can be deactivated for some functions. General

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