BMW 3 Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 3: Radio


 AM/FM station

General information Depending on the vehicle equipment and country version, it may not be possible to receive AM stations. Radio Data System RDS RDS broadcasts additional information, such as the stat

 HD Radio reception

Concept Many radio stations broadcast both analog and digital signals. General information When setting a station with a digital signal, it may take a few seconds before the station plays in digital q

 Satellite radio

General information Before a channel can be played, you must subscribe to it via telephone. Several channels can be combined into specified packages. Managing a subscription General information In ord


 Telephone functions

General information Mobile phones can be connected to the vehicle via Bluetooth, see Owner's Manual for the vehicle. At high temperatures, the charge function of the mobile phone can be limited where appropriate and functions are no longer executed. Do not operate a mobile phone that is connected

 PostCrash - iBrake

Concept In the event of an accident, the system can bring the vehicle to a halt automatically without intervention by the driver in certain situations. This can reduce the risk of a further collision and the consequences thereof. At standstill After coming to a halt, the brake is released automatica

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